Our values
Why Wild horses ?
Around the planet, Lakota, Comanches, Mongols, and even the Peoples of the Sahara Desert and the Berbers, many traditional peoples are often peoples of the horse. For them, the horse is their first medicine.
Today, we live in an urbanized world (more than 50% of the world's population lives in cities) and computerized (more than 60% of earthlings use social networks and the Internet). We live in a world that has lost the connection with the earth, with its environment and with the body. We tend to see reality through the filter of a screen.
We live in the collective hypnosis of "always more", in the dream of eternal economic development, and in the comfort of a society that lives only by the destruction of natural environments and resources. Contrary to the "American Dream", the American dream of individual success, the First Peoples base their strength on the community, just like the horses. A horse alone is vulnerable, but in the herd the horses are powerful and strong.
Reconnecting with nature, animals and the know-how of the Root Peoples means rediscovering the reality of nature, the need for pooling, respect for others, and natural environments. It is the common sense of life that is still expressed in the relationship to animals and plants in traditional Amerindian medicine. life. The legends of the horse of the first peoples of America, Siberia or Mongolia mirror the legends of the horse of the Druids, the Greeks and the Regions of France.
The ethical values of NATIVE HORSES:
Native Horses relies on an ETHICAL CHARTER, which can be summarized in three fundamental values, : "Healing the Earth, reconnecting with horses, protecting sacred places".
Consult the ETHICAL CHARTER of the Cheval Communication association HERE
These values are:
Through the study of Traditional Ecological Knowledge, in Europe and elsewhere, the return to the harmony that existed at the origin of things.
The values of community and "well-being" together, values radically opposed to Western supremacist values of conquest, colonization, and the illusion of the "American Dream".
Exchange and reciprocity between cultures , rooting in "who I am" and sharing it with gratitude.
A sacred vision of places and cultures, with full respect, et according to the traditional history of the Peoples,
A vision of the planet as a living being, where everything around us is alive and deserves respect
Rediscover ancestral know-how: tracking, animal observation, approach to the horse, knowledge of natural environments
Acquire another perception of time, abandoning the typically Western values of planning, the agenda and the division of time.
Leave room for the community to express itself beyond personal interests and stereotypes.