Photo by Clayson Benally (c) Rima Krisst and Benally/Tacoho Productions
Native Horses
Discoveries, adventures, and know-how with horses!
Go on an exploration to meet the ancestral cultures of the horse around the world.
Connecting to the horses, and the Earth by learning about traditional horse cultures In Europe, Africa, North Africa and the Americas.
Immerse yourself and learn traditional practices and wisdoms of the horse.
Talking, sharing, Experiencing through workshops, among others with Native African practitioners.
Through ethical and eco-responsible partnerships, Native Horses offers authentic intercultural exchanges with representatives of traditional cultures of the horse.
With the horse, return to harmony and balance at the center of yourself.
Take action to protect wild horses , ancestral territories and traditional practices.
For many traditional peoples, health is firstly an inner state of harmony and balance.
Radically opposed to individualism and competition, these ancient traditions carry the values of authentic community, sharing and interdependence.
Protecting horses means bringing sacred places back into harmony, and thus helping the Earth to heal itself.
Protecting horses is about reconnecting humans to their own roots and helping to heal from the traumas and ghosts of the past.
Protecting horses means rediscovering the authentic colors of our ancestral European know-how: intuitive knowledge of plants, Druidic traditions...
Since 2013, far from any cultural appropriation and any stereotypes , our association has organized each year meetings and militant actions to protect free and wild horses in Europe, Africa and the Americas.
Since 2013, the association made humanitarian donations to local associations, among others on Native American ancestral lands, and promoted local projects to help wild horses stay wild.
See you from August 22 to 31, 2022 for new associative projects to meet indigenous cultures and horses and with ethical partnerships for conscious and mindful travels:

Photo (c) Lilian Haidar / Native Horses
Testimonies and transmitions
In our European societies, many have forgotten who they are, sunken into collective hypnosis and blind belief in infinite progress.
TTraditional Peoples base their lives on a simple and pragmatic reality: we need each other to survive. The values that these peoples have to transmit to us are the sense of community, rediscovering the sense of a life in beauty and harmony , and rediscovering the ancestral connection to Nature.
Knowing how to express oneself beyond personal interests, beliefs, intentions and stereotypes, far from a Western-style neo-shamanism and the omnipresent cultural appropriation in a supremacist white culture.
Sharing the values of the community and of "well - being" together, rediscovering the link to sacred places, meditating on a living vision of the planet:, learn traditional approach to the horse, knowledge of natural environments and plants...
Knowledges that exists all over the world...but have been buried and forgotten!
Acquire another perception of time, abandoning the typical Western values of planning, agenda ... Learn how to simply listen.
Activities, videos, events with Native Horses.
NATIVE HORSES, a project of the association Cheval Communication to better know the traditional approaches by horses in Europe and to share the cultures and legends of the horse around the world.
In our societies, very few people know how to survive without a supermarket, credit card or gas station. When a civilization becomes "above ground", that is to say when a majority of its inhabitants no longer have a direct link with the earth system (earth, water, wood, animals, plants , et cetera), the population becomes entirely dependent on the man-made structure that maintains it in this state. If this increasingly powerful but vulnerable structure collapses, the survival of the entire population could no longer be guaranteed*.
In these times filled with doubts, uncertainties and fears, the traditional peoples keep their holistic vision of the Universe more than ever.
For traditions, , everything is alive. Animals, clouds, rivers, mountains, forests, and even viruses: everything is animated by a breath of life, everything must be respected and brought back into balance.
Returning to a state where all of us, humans, plants, and animals, walk in Beauty, is the meaning of returning to the center:
In connection with horses: balance, health and beauty.
* extract from : How everything can collapse by Pablo Servigné and Raphaël Stevens, page 125