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NATIVE HORSES: our actions

Agir pour protéger les chevaux sauvages et guérir les humains.

Pour les cultures autochtones, la santé est avant tout un état intérieur d'harmonie et d’équilibre. Radicalement opposés à l'individualisme et à la concurrence, ces traditions portent les valeurs de la communauté authentique, du partage et de l'interdépendance.


Protéger les chevaux, c'est ramener les lieux sacrés dans l'harmonie, et ainsi aider la Terre à se guérir.


Protéger les chevaux, c'est reconnecter les humains à leurs propres racines et aider à guérir des traumatismes et des fantômes du passé.

Protéger les chevaux, c'est retrouver les couleurs authentiques de nos savoir-faire ancestraux européens : connaissance intuitive des plantes, traditions ...

Depuis 2013, bien loin de toute appropriation culturelle et de tout stéréotype sur les "Indiens", l'association a organisé  chaque année des rencontres et des actions militantes pour protéger les chevaux libres et sauvages.


Depuis 2013, l'association fait des donations humanitaires à des associations locales sur les Terres ancestrales amérindiennes, et favorisé des projets locaux d'aide aux chevaux sauvages.


DEVENEZ MEMBRE DU SITE ICI pour être tenus au courant des prochaines activités associatives.

Make a donation for the Horses of Burkina Faso


Help Madi Dermé and Rebecca Jeanson for their participation in the actions of FIDAE (International Festival of Equestrian Arts) : preserve the equestrian culture of Burkina Faso -  whose national emblem is the Amazon Princess Yennenga.

"ReSET - Traditional Ecological Knowledge" Research Group

A research group around the traditional knowledge of the horse, in France and Europe, and in the indigenous cultures of the Americas and the Maghreb.


In collaboration with the Association Cheval Communication , the Haute Vallée de Chevreuse PNR , the research group explores traditional knowledge of the horse, among others by:  

Image de Amy Humphries
Helping local communities in Gray Mountain

in September 2021, Native American nations remain impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. Fortunately, the situation stimulates local initiatives. With Cheval Communication   and partner associations such as Les Arts de l'être , we help local communities to take concrete action, bring water and fodder to wild or feral horses_cc781905-5cde-3194 region -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_. 

Wildhorse Ranch Rescue collects donations on behalf of the Gray Mountain Horse Hero Association, the local association on Navajo lands that helps wild horses in this region, north of the city of Flagstaff.

Recently, these actions made it possible to repair a wind turbine to bring water to a wild herd. MORE INFO HERE

gray mountain windmill_edited.jpg

COVID-19:  help Native American peoples

<Coronavirus epidemic special action on Native American reservations>

in July 2020, the USA is the country most affected by the pandemic.

And the  political powers put  aside the Amerindian minorities... The situation is very difficult on the Amerindian reservations, where many families have no running water , nor electricity.  Jimmie Joe is a Navajo painter residing in France. He gave us an original painting as the grand prize of the Horse Communication 2020 Tombola.


WELL DONE!!! and a big THANK YOU to all the friends who supported by participating in the raffle!


Help Jadi, the little wild horse!

NATIVE HORSES is an associative project cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_of the horse communication association, an association law 1901 domiciled in Yvelines,

qui a for statutory purpose of:

In order to  better understand the relationship between man and horse, through history  from the point of view of the first peoples and  knowledge -do ancestral, we organize meetings and mutlicultural exchanges.

We provide   logistical and financial support to local horse protection associations, especially associations that help wild horses on Native American reservations in North America , Canada_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b- 136bad5cf58d_and in Mongolia, but also in the Maghreb, Ireland and France.

We organize  demonstrations in support of Native American cultures and associative days, letting  the local communities of Apache, Hopies and Navajo ( Diné'h) culture express their own points of sight, and also by the creative expressions of Native American culture today.

In 2020, we are developing a wild and feral horse sanctuary project on abandoned land on a failed coal mine on Navajo Nation land in Arizona.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the 2020 France-Arizona bilateral cultural exchange projects have been postponed to 2021.

The charity provides local assistance to families around Flagstaff, Leupp, and Gray Mountain on the Navajo Indian Reservation to help distribute meals, necessities, and horse feed/water and animals. The association organized crowdfunding and an associative raffle, with the prize being an original painting donated to Navajo painter Jimmie Joe. We thank him from the bottom of our hearts for his generosity.

We share the knowledge of traditional horse cultures, in North America, Canada, Mongolia, but also in Ireland or the Camargue,   through association days, WebConferences and publications.

At the local level in France, we act to provide horses with a space corresponding to their natural way of life. We have developed a partnership with traditional Camargue breeders at the Domaine de Quatret , Ariège, and in partnership with the Haute Vallée de Chevreuse PNR , biodiversity conservation actions in wetlands with hardy breed horses.

See the details of our projects HERE (on registration)

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