NATIVE HORSES is an associative project of the Association Cheval Communication whose intent is to better understand the traditional cultures of the horse, through direct exchanges, sharing communities, study trips and associative days.
NATIVE HORSES: through example and immersion, through experimentation, and through talking circles, learn how to reconnect with nature, traditional knowledge and horses
Far from the stereotypes of neo-shamanism and New Age, in full respect of the traditional wisdom teachings of indigenous peoples, we reconnect with our human and non-human family By getting to know horses in their natural environment (for example in partnership with Natural Parks, by finding the tracks of herds of wild horses and observing them in their environment, we reconnect to the values of living together, community and ecological values to heal and restore natural environments.
Our intention is to create or restore harmony, a philosophy of life where everything comes down to harmony and balance.
We have created a exchanges with traditional culture around the traditions of the horse.
Nathalie Dubuc is a film producer, and with her partner Stéphane Barbato from Bandits Productions, she directed the film HOZHO, Walking in Beauty, a magnificent film which reflects the special atmosphere in the Navajo Indian reservation ( see the trailer HERE ). how the altruistic relationship with horses,
Emmanuelle DELATTRE is a horse riding professional, she shares her knowledge and her sensitive approach to the horse, mixed with oriental spirituality and meditation, while being treasurer of the association.
Anne-Charlotte is the secretary of the association, she helps us with the practical organization of activities in Europe.
Sylvain Gillier presents his history and his experience with the traditional culture, as well as his exchange projects with horses, during an interview conducted in 2019 for the Salon Cheval Bien Etre in Paris:
"A few words about my story, because this story is related to the Native Horse projects. I am a MD and I have been practicing mediation with horses and equine therapeis for years. (full interview HERE)