Meet the culture of the Diné' People (Navajo) with Jeneda and Clayson Benally at EquiTerre near FOIX in Ariège.

Thursday, October 13, 20 - 21:30 :
Conference with Jeneda and Clayson Benally and Sylvain Gillier / Cheval Communication / Native Horse Project:
Wild Horses , Decolonization and Cultural Reappropriation.
Dun village hall. Admission 5 €.
Friday 14, Saturday 15, Sunday 16 October
9:30 am - 6:30 pm
Meetings with Jeneda and Clayson Benally
Transmissions and exchanges with the Diné / Navajo culture.
Stories, traditions, philosophy,
Exchanges and teachings with the EquiTerre herd in freedom.
at EquiTerre
110 € / person / day.
It is possible to register for one, two, or all three days
Saturday 15 October 19h30 - 22h30
meeting around the fire
Ariegean and Diné' / Navajo cultures
Traditional Songs and Dances
At EquiTerre
15€ / person
Food Truck and refreshments on site

+33 5 61 606 222 ou +33 6 73 606 484
Adresse :
09600 DUN